Grand Rapids Area Schools Strategic Directions

  • In the fall of 2021, the school district began the process of examining what our communities, families, staff, and students expect from our schools. We held focus groups around the district, talked to alumni, surveyed the community, met with students, and gathered information from staff, asking questions about their hopes and dreams, things the district is doing well, and things the district needs to improve upon. The result was a community report that was presented to the school board on June 16, 2022.

    Community Engagement Summary Report

    Using this report, a strategy team was formed to identify trends and synthesize the information into district priorities, or Strategic Directions. Each Direction not only lists the priority, but the “why” it is important as well as the “what” it looks like when the district is being successful.  Click here to view the full Strategic Directions document.  

    The full description of Strategic Directions was turned into a more easily communicable graphic. If you click on a Strategic Direction in the graphic on the right, you’ll learn more about that work and the objectives of the district in that area. 

    The district's Operational Plan is developed based on these priorities and is updated at least annually.


Click on each Strategic Direction below to learn more.

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