• COVID Funding at ISD 318

    The school district has been awarded $11 million in COVID Relief Funds through three different waves of emergency funding. The federal government reimburses the district after the funds are spent. The relief funds all come with requirements and allowable spend dates. ISD 318 has identified four priority areas in spending the remaining funds.

    Funds are being used to provide academic interventions and student support to help students with learning gaps; to create and expand systems to detect and respond to increased mental health and behavioral needs; to ensure adequate staffing for effective and safe instruction; and to invest in physical learning environments to improve teaching and learning conditions, health and safety, and operational efficiency.

    Because our school district may continue to feel the impact of the pandemic in future years, we know that it is important not to spend all of the money at once.

    Below, you will find regular reports provided to the School Board and community on how the money has been spent.

District Spending Priorities

Depiction of COVID spending priorities

ESSER Funding ThoughtExchange