ISD 318 School Board
The School Board is made up of Chair Mark Schroeder, Clerk David Marty, Treasurer Ben Hawkins, Director Dr. Malissa Bahr, Director Pat Medure, and Director Mindy Nuhring.
Regular School Board meeting times (unless otherwise noted on schedule)
- 6:30 p.m. Official School Board Meeting
- 6:00 p.m. Open Forum and Work Session with School Board members
- The public is invited to meet informally with the School Board members during the Open Forum. The Chairperson will provide the public with an opportunity to request to speak about any item on the agenda during the Public Input portion of each meeting.
- If no members of the public wish to address the School Board, the Board will move into a workshop.
Meetings are held in the Board Room of the ISD 318 Educational Services Center; 601 SW 7th Street, Grand Rapids, MN or in the Edge Center for the Arts/Bigfork School; 101 2nd Ave., Bigfork MN (See meeting schedule for specific location.)
School Board Meetings are streamed live for the public. Members of the public are also able to attend in person.
School Board and Legal Status
The School Board of District 318 is charged by law with the care, management, and control of the schools of the District. The Board shall be composed of six elected members as provided by law together with such ex officio member as may be provided by law. All districts maintaining a classified secondary school shall employ a superintendent who shall be an ex officio member of the board but not entitled to vote therein.For more information contact:
The Superintendent's Office
Tel: 218-327-5704
2024 School Board Meeting Schedule
with agendas, minutes, and live stream accessPrior years' meetings and minutes are available from the Superintendent's Office. Public data request information is available by clicking here.
School Board Meeting Calendar
ISD 318 School Board meeting-workshop calendar 2024 rev 9-17-24.pdf 94.47 KB (Last Modified on September 17, 2024) -
School Board Student Representative Application
School Board Student Representative Application - FINAL FILLABLE 2024.pdf 462.93 KB (Last Modified on April 11, 2024)