• Elementary Students, Grades 1 through 5

    Minnesota statute requires that a child must be five years old on or before September 1 of the year they wish to begin attending kindergarten and six years old on or before September 1 of the year they wish to begin attending first grade.

    After a completed Enrollment Form is received by the Central Student Enrollment office, the student will be assigned to an elementary school according to home area and space availability. In the summer, notification of placement will be mailed to the family. Families are invited to visit their new school before the end of the current school year or during the last week of August before school begins. Open houses are held at the elementary schools before the beginning of the school year. Families can meet a child's teacher and principal on this night. Watch our website for open house dates.

    Mid-year transfer students will receive their placement at the time of enrollment. Families and students may visit their new school the same day enrollment is completed or plan to arrive at school early on the student's first day for orientation.

    Students are assigned to individual classrooms by the school principal. Central Student Enrollment coordinates the transfer of student records from the previously attended school.

  • Contacts

    Cohasset Elementary
    Principal: Jill Wheelock
    p: 218-327-5860
    f: 218-327-5861

    East Rapids Elementary
    Principal: Bruce Goodwin
    Asst. Principal: Ryan Siegle
    p: 218-327-5880
    f: 218-327-5871

    West Rapids Elementary
    Principal: Sean Martinson
    Asst. Principal: Clayton Lindner
    p: 218-327-5870
    f: 218-327-5885