If your income has changed, learn more about educational benefits including meal and activity fee supports.
Our school menus provide a variety of choices that accommodate a wide range of student preferences. Students are presented with the opportunity to relax and enjoy their favorite food items and they are encouraged to try new foods as well. Our menus are developed by a menu planning committee and they are designed to follow guidelines established by USDA. Each menu is analyzed to ensure they follow the established meal pattern. Most of our best ideas come from students. Please continue to send us your innovative menu ideas at ppodpeskar@isd318.org.
2024-2025 School Meal Prices
Breakfast - $0.00
Lunch - $0.00Secondary
Breakfast - $0.00Second Breakfast - $2.75
Lunch- $0.00
Second Lunch - $5.00
Breakfast - $2.75
Lunch - $5.00Milk
Elementary Lunch Menu Carb Counts
Hyperlink 24.25 Elementary Cycle Menu.xlsx - 2024.25 ELEM Lunch Cycle.pdf 101.27 KB (Last Modified on Tuesday at 8:02 AM)