• Welcome to 318 ConnectEd

    #318 ConnectEd is the district's remote learning option, in which learning happens away from the school building. Families may elect to access #318 ConnectEd or the district may be directed to do so by public health officials if cases increase.

    Daily Instruction Plan

    • #318 ConnectEd will provide instruction from licensed #318 instructors at the same pace as their peers in the classroom.
    • Elementary (K-5) students will use SeeSaw as an at-home learning platform; Middle and High School students will use Schoology.
    • Students will receive virtual instruction and interaction from ISD #318  teachers.
    • Parents may move their child to #318 ConnectEd at any point during the school year. 
    • Parents wishing to move their student(s) from #318 ConnectEd to in-person learning may only request the change at the end of each quarter as schedules, classroom arrangements, transportation and food service are based on the number of students in a building.
    • Daily schedules will be a mix of structured and flexible learning time.

    Even though students will be attending school remotely, all ISD 318 District-Wide Policies still apply to any activity on a district-provided device. Parents may wish to review the Bullying Prohibition Policy and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy.


  • If you experiencing technical difficulty, please contact grhelpdesk@isd318.org. In your email, please remember to include your name, your student's name, and the best contact number.