- Do I want to be close to home?
- If I choose a college far away, can I afford to come home to visit?
- Do I want to live in an area that offers cultural diversity?
- Would I prefer a college in a small town or a big city?
- Would I be more comfortable at a large university with many students in a class or a smaller school with small class sizes?
Majors/Academics Offered
- Does this school offer the major that I am interested in?
- If I change my mind about my major, do they offer a wide variety of majors to choose from?
Social/Extra Curricular
- What extracurricular activities are available for students?
Criteria for Admissions
- Do I meet their criteria to be accepted (criteria are usually listed on the college’s web site)?
- If I am accepted, can I be successful academically at this school?
Internships Available
- Are students connected with internships in the field that they want to pursue?
Can You Earn a Degree in Four Years?
- What percentage of students graduate in four years?
On-campus Housing
- Is on-campus housing offered?
- Is everyone guaranteed on-campus housing who wants it?
- Are students required to live on campus?
- What other housing options are provided?
- What are tuition, books, room, and board costs?
- If you live off-campus, what are typical rates for rent, electricity, water, heat, etc.
- Are there additional student fees?
Scholarships Available
- What institutional scholarships are available to your students?
- Are they only available to freshmen, or do upper-class students have opportunities for scholarships?
Student Support Services
- Financial Aid office, counseling, career center, tutoring, academic advising, student health center etc.
Visit the school before you decide if you will attend
- Every college campus has its own unique atmosphere and culture. There is no way to tell this from a brochure or a web site. You must visit; preferably when school is in session.