Career Connected Learning
Post-Secondary Planning
All students graduating from a Minnesota high school will be required to develop a postsecondary plan to meet requirements for receiving a diploma. Students at Grand Rapids High School will meet this requirement by creating a plan through the Minnesota Career Information System. The activities students will complete are designed to help actively explore options for post-secondary planning. Students will be given time during class throughout the year to explore the resources available to make appropriate academic, career, and personal/social plans. Students will deepen their understanding of her or himself, know what occupations might be a good fit, and help make educational plans for each student’s occupation(s) of choice. All GRHS students must complete all checklist items assigned in grade 9-12 as a graduation requirement.
Why is post-secondary planning important?
On average, less than 40% of students seeking a four-year degree actually finish their program within four years. Nearly 60% of students need an additional year or two to complete their program. Students who put themselves in this situation not only invest more time and money to attend a program beyond the expected graduation date but potential future earnings also decrease as it takes longer to enter the workforce. Scholarships can also be affected as some institutions offer scholarships based on the two/four-year graduation tracks. Our goal is to provide students with the appropriate information so they can explore options not only in the field of their interest but also put themselves in the best possible situation to maximize success upon graduation at GRHS.Below is a list of common colleges GRHS students attend and the completion rates for students seeking a four-year degree.
* Information acquired from data provided by colleges to the Minnesota Career Information System.
Each student at GRHS is required to complete the MCIS checklists prior to graduation. This plan helps students navigate options and opportunities to assist in making a plan that will work for each student. With that said, not every item on the checklists will be applicable to each student. Just as every student will have a different plan, different tools will be more helpful for students to get to their end goal. Each student is still expected to explore and complete all of the options on the checklists.
Senior Checklists
Senior checklists, however, may look a little different. Many seniors will be at different points in the planning process and post-secondary plans may look completely different. The senior checklist is set up as a tool for students to complete, track, and mainstream all of their information into one location. Some items may not apply to all students however, all seniors are expected to complete each item. For example, not all seniors plan on playing a Division I sport. All students should complete the item on the checklist by stating “not applicable” or “I do not play on participating in DI athletics.” All items need to be completed (through MnCIS) for a student to be eligible for graduation.
Senior Packet
Contains information for applications AND SCHOLARSHIPS
Can be used to provide more in-depth information for teachers when writing recommendations
Used as a tool and does not need to be turned in to be considered complete
The following graphic highlights the costs to students for additional years in programing and the lost wages associated with delayed entrance into the workforce.
* Information utilized from the Four Year Myth article available on the Complete College America website.
MnCIS is going away... welcome to Xello.
More details to come during counseling sessions.