• Schedule Change Request

    GRHS Schedule Change Request Guidelines

    Students are encouraged to talk with their families about which options will allow them the most opportunities. Schedule change requests should go through the assigned counselor to ensure the most efficient completion of the request.

    Reasons You May Change Your Schedule

    • You have more than one study hall in a semester.
    • You do not have 1.0 credit (full year) of both English and Social on your schedule.
    • You are in grade 9, 10, or 11 and do not have 1.0 credit (full year) of both Math and Science on your schedule.
    • You failed a required class and need to repeat it, and it is not on your schedule.
    • You need a class that is required for graduation or to prepare you for college, and it is not on your schedule.

    Reasons You May Not Change Your Schedule

    • To get a different teacher. (Major issues with a teacher need to be brought to administration by the student and/or parent)
    • To have a class with a friend.
    • To get a different lunch.
    • Because taking a class a different hour would be more convenient for you.
    • Because you changed your mind.

    Please check Campus Parent to confirm the change has been made. Your counselor will contact you if she/he has questions or is unable to make an easy change due to conflict. Counselors will be working to adjust schedules and meet with students in the upcoming weeks. If you do not see a change made on your schedule by late January, please contact the GRHS Counseling Office to set up a further appointment with your counselor.