• Health Services at West Rapids Elementary

    Health Services at West Rapids Elementary are provided by Traci Lessman, RN. The nurse's hours are 8:00 am - 3:00 pm daily. You can contact the nurse's office at 218-327-5870, ext. 41811. As the first line of health care for students, the school nurse provides various screenings, first aid, and administers authorized medications as needed. Emergency Card information should be updated periodically with current emergency contact information and any changes in health-related conditions, medications, or concerns that may affect students at school.

    Please inform the nurse of any surgeries, head injuries, other injuries, or health-related incidents that occur outside of school. This will help us determine the best course of action in school for your child.

    Notify the office or nurse whenever your child has a communicable disease such as strep, influenza, measles, mumps, chickenpox, Fifth Disease, etc. We are required to report epidemic outbreaks to the state and all information is kept confidential.

    Medications given at school must have written authorization from the healthcare provider and parent. In the case of antibiotics for short-term illness, it is best if families administer the doses before and after school as needed. Some students have occasional headaches or other concerns that may require over the counter medications to remain in school comfortably. Parents must sign a permission form and provide medication in the original container for the nurse to administer as needed. Medication authorization forms are available in the office.

    District illness guidelines are followed. Students with a fever of 100 or more will be sent home. Students who have vomited, had diarrhea, or have run a fever should be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. This helps prevent the spread of disease and ensures students feel well enough to learn.

    If your child tends to have occasional "accidents," please send along a set of clean clothing and underwear in their backpack. Alert the nurse to any concerns or health issues that might cause accidents in school.