Contact Information
The address of the Grand Rapids Area Learning Center is:
601 SW 7th Street
Grand Rapids, MN 55744The ALC phone number is 218-327-5750.
The ALC attendance line is 218-327-5750 ext. 1.The ALC fax machine number is 218-999-9930.
Staff e-mail addresses and phone extensions are listed below.
Andy Forbort - Assistant Principal
Andy Forbort is the Assistant Principal for the Grand Rapids High School/Area Learning Center. His phone number is 218‑327‑5714. Andy's email is aforbort@isd318.org.
Jodi Weber - Administrative Assistant
Jodi has been the Grand Rapids ALC Administrative Assistant since 2003. Her phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 0. Her email is jweber@isd318.org.
Sydney Jobe - Attendance/Truancy Prevention
Sydney is the Truancy Prevention Specialist. Her phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 2. Her email is sjobe@isd318.org.
The Attendance phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 1.
Lisa Zimmer - Student Support
Lisa has been a Student Support Specialist since 2016. Her phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 3. Lisa's email is lzimmer@isd318.org and her Googlevoice number is 218-248-6299.
Ella Cummings - Ojibwe Education Student Advocate
Ella has been at the ALC since 2022. Her phone number is 218-327-5760, extention 41861. Ella's e-mail address is ecummings@isd318.org.
Bill Kinnunen - Lead Teacher
Bill has been a Social Studies teacher at the Grand Rapids ALC since 2006. He started teaching in 1991. His phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 7. Bill's email is bkinnunen@isd318.org and his Googlevoice numbers is 218-248-7272.
Erikka Demuth - English teacher
Erikka has been a Grand Rapids ALC English teacher since 2010. She has been teaching since 1998. Her phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 5. Erikka's email is egrose@isd318.org and her Googlevoice number is 218-248-7129.
Anika Lindula - Science teacher
Anika has been a Grand Rapids ALC Science teacher since 2022. She started teaching in 2015. Her office phone number is 218‑398‑5700, extension 41323. Anika's email is alindula@isd318.org.
Carol Copp- English teacher
Carol has been a Grand Rapids ALC English teacher since 2024. She started teaching in 1995. Her phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 6. Carol's email is ccopp@isd318.org and her Googlevoice number is 218-248-2853.
Erik Salmela- Math teacher
Erik has been a math teacher at the Grand Rapids ALC since 2011. He started teaching in 2000. His phone number is 218‑327‑5750, extension 4. Erik's email is esalmela@isd318.org and his Googlevoice number is 218-262-9220.