November 19, 2024
Good Tuesday morning Bigfork Huskies here are your day's announcements...
Girls basketball players and Cheerleaders, your fees need to be in today by the end of the school day or you will not be able to practice. See Jo Ann with questions.
Boys, you have till the end of the week to get your fees and paperwork in.
Donkey basketball is this Saturday at 7:00pm. Advance tickets are 10.00 and can be purchased in the school office or at the Bigfork bank. Tickets can be purchased at the door, but will cost $13.00. Come out and Saturday for a fun night of basketball and help out the Students travel program. A big shout out to Shelly who has put together this fun event!!!
Wreaths are on sale through this week. A portion of the proceeds goes back to the students class fund. This is an easy way to earn money for your class.
Students that are staying after school waiting for basketball practice. It is expected that you don't run around the school, plug toilets (which happened last night) or cause disruption. If you are not able to be respectful after school, you will not be able to stay after school without supervision.
Lunch for today is Chicken fajita's, refried beans, veggies, fruit and milk.
Please stand for the pledge.
Have a great day.