November 5, 2025

Good Tuesday morning Bigfork Huskies, here are your days announcements...

Basketball cheerleaders! Whether you are returning to the team or want to see what it is all about, please come to a meeting in Kindee's room on Tuesday, November 5th during lunch. Get your lunch and report to Kindee's room. We are looking forward to kicking off the season! 

Basketball season is right around the corner.  Girls in 6-12 grade practice will start next Monday, and boys in 6-12th grade will start November 18th.  Please make sure that your physical and paperwork are up-to-date and your fee is paid before the first practice.  See Jo Ann if you have any questions.

The Jerry Chiabotti Gymnasium Marathon started today. Come on in to the gym between 7:40 and 8:15 each AM, from now until Christmas break, to complete your 328 laps. See Mrs. Maxa for details.

Attention High School Students!
A representative from Concordia College in Moorhead will be here this Thursday during lunch.  See Mrs. Prato if you have questions!  
Calling all Singers!!  Children's choir director, Patty Bather would like to invite singers in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade to sing in the December 15th program, Christmas at the Edge!  Rehearsals will be on stage, beginning next week, November 6th.
Lunch for today is hamburger, tots, veggies fruit and milk.
Please stand for the pledge.
Have a great day.