May 28, 2024

Good Tuesday morning Bigfork Huskies, here are your final Tuesday announcements for the  year.

Remember Ipads will be collected tomorrow during HOWL... Please make sure that your cords and chargers are also turned in.  Mrs. Wass is looking for all her calculators. Please return them to her ASAP.  Library books need to be turned into the library ASAP also.  $20.00 fine for all lost books.  

Please take a look at the lost and found before the end of the school year!!!  There are several really nice items there.  All items left will be donated to GOODWILL.

Reminder to ALL 6th through 12th grade Track Athletes there is a MANDATORY practice Today at 345 for uniform turn in, equipment put away and other loose ends. This is for ALL. If you do not show you will be charged for your uniform and bills will be going out Wednesday. Your uniform is NOT to be turned into the office as it is not their responsibility to collect them.

Elementary Track and Field day....Classes, please make sure and be out at your first event by 8:40.  If you have bug spray you really need to use it!!!!!

Lunch for today is Nachos, fruit, veggies and milk.

Please stand for the pledge.

Have a wonderful day!!!!!