May 21, 2024

Good Tuesday morning Bigfork Huskies, here are your days announcements...

The Academic Awards are tonight at 6:00 in the Edge Center!!!!  Come out and congratulate our academic winners.

Tomorrow is Baccalorate at the City Hall in town.  This is for all seniors that will be graduating.   The program starts at 6:00pm.

Sub sections for Track and Field have been moved from Wednesday, May 22 to Thursday May 23rd due to the weather forecast.  

The Senior Grad walk is at 12:30 today, all seniors please meet in Mrs. Pratos room at 12:15.  Hopefully, all the seniors brought their cap and gown.

There are 2 more flyers for football camps this summer that are in the office.  If interested, come take a look at all the camps being offered.

Calculators for Mrs. Wass needs to be turned into her by the end of the year.  Also, if you are not using your iPad any longer, please turn that into the office along with your cord and charger.  There are fines for materials not turned in.  Library books can be turned into the library.

There are several items in the lost and found!!! Please check that our for missing items.  At the end of the school year, all items will be donated.

Lunch for today is chicken noodle soup, sandwich, veggies, fruit and milk.

Please stand for the pledge.

Have a wonderful day