Academic Literacy
Academic Literacy is a program designed to target student needs in reading. Students in grades 7-8 are placed in Academic Literacy based upon multiple measures such as MCA scores, grades, various formative and summative assessments, and teacher/parent recommendations. Parents/Guardians are notified (permission is needed) in the spring for scheduling purposes as well as the fall of the upcoming school year. Academic Literacy has experienced a significant amount of success, receiving statewide recognition.
Academic Literacy classes have approximately 12 students, each of whom receives individualized instruction to increase achievement levels. Instructors for Academic Literacy teach strategies for fluency, comprehension, and decoding. This is determined by assessing areas of concern. The classes are in addition to the required Language Arts classes. Sometimes Academic Literacy replaces electives on a student’s schedule. This is determined on an individual basis and the goal is to strengthen skills to promote performance and success in the content areas.
Please refer to Campus Parent (MALC tab) to monitor your student’s progress. If you have questions before the school year begins, feel free to contact your student’s counselor at 218-327-5800. For questions during the school year, please contact your student’s Academic Literacy teacher.