The Registration Information and Career Pathway Event for families is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28th @ 7pm in the Reif. School staff will be present to share information about GRHS course offerings, options for students and career pathway information. The following information will be highlighted:
> Course information for students entering each grade at GRHS: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
> Earn college credit while taking Grand Rapids High School courses, specifically the College in the Schools (CITS) through University of Minnesota Duluth information and courses
> Information on advanced courses and the International Baccalaureate program, which can also prepare students for future programming and offer college credit in high school
> Career Pathway information, including which courses satisfy the requirements and exploration of career options
> NCAA approved high school courses offered at Grand Rapids High School
> How to help set your student up for success through course selection at GRHS
If you have any questions about registration, please contact GRHS Counselors or Administration.
Registration Timeline and Important Dates:
Registering for Classes at GRHS - GRHS Course Guides
Course guides coming soon